Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cyber Steals

As if Black Friday was not enough to get excited over...Cyber Monday also keeps us on our toes as to what to expect. So... Here's how we are going to do this. All sales must be made via our website, for every $25 gift certificate bought we will add $10,making your $25 turn into $35!

For even more fun the first 5 orders made will be receiving a free gift valued at $17.95,you just need to let me know boy or girl AND small, medium or large at check out in the comments box. If you live close and want to pick up your certificates in store, choose in store pickup.

Orders 6-15will also receive a free gift valued at $7.99! I guess the fun lies in the fact that you won't know if you won an additional gift until your mail arrives :) Happy Spending and remember that all orders of $50 or more will get free shipping!

(FuzziBunz Perfect Size small are only $12 and Changing Diapers Book is half off)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What Kind of Deal is This?

As Thanksgiving day approaches us, so does the infamous "black Friday" swell of crazed shoppers racing out at 2am to stand in a long line outside of a giant box store. The marketing frenzy surrounding this day has been amazing and deserves a standing ovation. However, this same marketing frenzy has created a sort of expectation on all stores,including small independently owned ones to also have some sort of black Friday deal to draw in shoppers. The problem with offering such amazing deals is that from the consumers standpoint, we are left wondering if we are being ripped off all year long,just to wait for black Friday to realize what we "should " be paying instead of this hugely marked up price. Hence...the explanation behind our sales on Friday.

It is important for my customers to realize that when any product line is brought into our store, along with the product is an agreement signed by me, stating that I will abide by all MSRP rules and will not price my product lower than that. Could I price it lower and wait until I get a phone call or email busting me? Sure. Would that be very ethical or fair minded to other small businesses selling the same product? No. I have to wait for my manufacturers to authorize, yes, authorize a price drop on their product before I can then offer it to you in the store.

I believe in fair pricing and pricing that allows us to continue to serve you with a brick and mortar store so you can come ask questions, touch the actual diapers and build a local community that is proud to cloth diaper. However, when a manufacturer does allow temporary price breaks in a product, I do feel inclined to pass that on to you even when that means you will pay less than I did for certain products or the very same as I did. My hope is to be providing good customer service in an environment that you feel secure with. Now, I can't be speaking for any other businesses small or large but I just want you all to know that I very much value your business and take great care in determining what you pay for your products. In light of the Holiday, I am very grateful for you all!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Giving It A Go....

Today a good friend of mine who is a total "Tech" filled me in on the fact that my store has a Blog!!!
With the transition of sale from Kellie to me, and the things in between, I completely forgot she filled me in on the blog and gave me all the necessary information to keep it going! So, here we are 7 months later and I am attempting my first post! I hope I have not disappointed Kellie with my tardy debut!

That being said, I read blogs occasionally and follow only 1! It is a lot of pressure to take your inner thoughts on a subject and publish it to the masses for approval,let's be honest, all bloggers are looking for some sort of approval....So that being said I am a little intimidated on what I should be blogging about. If I stick to strictly store "stuff" you will no doubt get bored after a while, but, do you really want to read about how my kids are destined to be hairstylists when they get older? Why, You ask? Because I am on a constant scavenger hunt in my home for remnants of tiny blades of hair hidden under pillows and bangs that seem to stand straight up like a flagpole!Where do they get the scissors right?That might be another blog topic.

I recognize the fact that as mostly moms who will be reading this blog, we naturally seek solace in the mishaps of other peoples children. It reminds us that our own mishaps are perfectly normal if not petty compared to those of others! So I guess this blog might be a combo of business and play and with 4 daughters in this household, you can imagine where the majority of blogs will land!

So by now most of you have met me or been privy to the change of ownership in this amazing business. My husband Mitchiel and I bought EcoBuns from Mike and Kellie Rosenberg in May of 2011. We have 4 daughters ages 14,6,3 and 19 months old. My husband is the chef and one of the co-owners of deBoer Bakery and Dutch Brothers Restaurant in Holland,MI. This like our store is a family owned small business, but he has the opportunity to work every SINGLE day with his father and 2 brothers ( the other co-owners).

I came to Kellie in August of 2010 to purchase a trial kit for $25 for my 4 month old! At that time we had 2 kids in diapers and the fact that we were spending well over $100 on diapers a month and the double diaper garbage killed me ( not to mention the awful chemicals in them). After my 2 week trial I was hooked and returned to Kellie for my diapers and her knowledge! So, when the opportunity presented itself to purchase the store from Mike and Kellie in early 2011 as a family we found it to be a great opportunity for many reasons,but my husband being as smart as he is, knew how important it was for me to have my "own thing"! I promised to my family that this store would not overtake our lives or my responsibility as a stay at home, I still consider myself a SAHM for the record. So when I get questions about our business hours being limited,my only response is that they are mommy hours, because first and foremost I am a mommy!

So... Now that you have a sliver of a glimpse into the new EcoBuns family life, I just hope I can keep spitting out relevant blogs. ( My 6 year old just came up stairs and told me she has chalk in her eye...????)